Who We Are

The Sentinel Landscapes Partnership is a coalition of federal agencies, state and local governments, and non-governmental organizations that work with willing landowners and land managers to advance sustainable land use practices around military installations and ranges. Founded in 2013, the partnership aligns the objectives of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Department of the Interior, and Federal Emergency Management Agency to strengthen military readiness, conserve natural resources, bolster agricultural and forestry economies, increase public access to outdoor recreation, and enhance resilience to climate change.  

What is a Sentinel Landscape?

Sentinel landscapes are areas where conservation, working lands, and national defense interests converge. They are anchored by at least one high-value military installation or range and contain high priority lands for USDA, DOD, DOI, and FEMA. 

Sentinel Landscapes Partnership Factsheet 

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What We Do

Advance Sustainable Land Management

We empower landowners and managers to implement sustainable land management practices that have ecological, economic, and national defense benefits. We accomplish this by providing connections with voluntary state and federal assistance programs that meet their individual needs. To learn more about available assistance, please visit our interactive landowner resources tool.

Strengthen Military Readiness

We promote land use around military installations, ranges, and operating spaces that is compatible with national defense and alleviates regulatory restrictions that may inhibit military operations. This enhances the military's ability to carry out testing, training, and operational activities necessary to prepare the warfighter for real-world combat.   

Preserve Natural Resources

We restore, enhance, and manage natural resources at the landscape scale by bringing together federal agencies, state and local governments, non-governmental organizations, landowners, and other land managers to address critical issues such as wildfire, water quantity and quality, wildlife habitat connectivity, and ecosystem resilience to climate change. 

Support Agricultural Productivity

Recognizing the importance of strong agricultural economies, we support farmers, ranchers, and foresters in meeting their production goals while simultaneously advancing sustainable land management practices that improve water, air, and soil quality. 

Increase Access to Recreation

Preserving natural resources and open space stimulates local economic activity through creating opportunities for communities to enjoy the outdoors. We strive to increase public access to outdoor recreational activities such as hunting, fishing, and hiking. 

Enhance Resilience to Climate Change

As the impacts of climate change increasingly jeopardize the protection of natural resources, working lands, and national defense, we support the implementation of locally-driven and nature-based climate resilience efforts. This includes actions to protect against wildfire, extreme weather, drought, and sea level rise.